Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Love, love and love
Posted by bienI need your writings!
Posted by bienOh yes , I need your writings!
( Sorry but this are only for ANSHS students).
Well that speaks up of whole scribblers stuff. The Scribblers, by the way, is the Alabel's National Science High School's official Publication.
Writing have been a vital and innumerable contributor in entire human cycle. It has been the language of history, a picture of the truth, a outlet of almost everything. But few have been gifted with inborn pen in their hand, some have just been Lucky. So if you have been such then you have story to tell and a shout to be heard.
So if your interested in writing or had been writing and would like your stories and opinions to be heard in the campus, then don't hesitate to be one of us. Feel free to submit your pieces in this form:
Year and Section:
Field: (that can be any from news to editorial to feature, but if you don't know which niche it belongs, just leave blank the stuff will take care of that)
My piece:
(The staff may edit you piece for brevity)
Don't worry your effort won't go to waste. If you piece fit our taste then don't be surprised to see your name soon in our school paper. But if unfortunately it doesn't you'll still be getting credit for that.(well the adviser will give extra-curricular points for your ink, joke)
THEN SUBMIT IT TO MY E-MAIL AD, OR JUST HAVE COMMENTED HERE. JUST LOOK FOR THE COMMENTS IN THIS POST AND ROLL IT THERE.( for any inquiries please feel to do so, just, still, comment here)
God bless us all.
ANSHS happenings,
Batch X schedule
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
A young scholar's experience on the 2nd Mindanao Bloggers Summit and E-business Week
Posted by bienBack onto the drivers seat!
Posted by bienThe last time I was holding the steering wheel of my own vehicle was indeed long.
Well I don't really have my own car or whatsoever I was just referring to my life. It was a couple of weeks now since I publish my last post. Those tiring weeks was solely spent on numerous school activities which unfortunately consume my whole enthusiasm leaving a blank space for blogging! But now,yehey, back into my couch on the car of my damn life running it me myself!
Even though in that point of view those weeks was still deserving to be called a lesson. Let' me just give you a hint on what was happening when my ordinary wasn't routinely repeated.
DSPC ( Division School's Press Conference) - that was, yeah, a press conference of students in our division which seeks to enhance the existing young talents. Well I'm not bragging that I won some contest there.haha. I won second place in Editorial Writing and first place in tagisan ng talino(battle of intellects).
The annual Intramural in Our school- no need to say what it is. But thought you should know it wasn't ordinary for me this year. It was indeed fun, except this cat fights of different years which ,of course, I did not let my temper ruin that day and join their infatuation.haha
The Councilwide Jamborette and Kawan holiday- It was, honestly, a suicide! It was formally just a scouting event in an simple place. But everything went sucking when we do everything in our own. haha.But its reminiscing!
The MATH OLYMPICS- I don't know how I get there in the first place. The truth is I am not one of those math geeks. Well I don't how in the world our math teacher told me to join one event there. We won second place in the MATH TRAIL , but we deserve more than that!
THE 2ND MINDANAO BLOGGERS SUMMIT- Rise up Mindanao and showthem your glamour! Well that what exactly how I understand it!
Don't worry about unfinished work pal. I'm going to elaborate it more just a minute after this post.haha
I've got so much to tell you about it. PROMISE